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Ethical Hacking In Action - Certification Offer
1. Introduction to HackTheBox - Upskill Your Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking
2. Introduction to dashboard (1:45)
1. What is HackTheBox (2:38)
3. Free version and Subscribe Version (1:33)
2. Learning Paths in HackTheBox
2. HTB Academy (1:17)
1. Labs Introduction (2:27)
3. Access to HackTheBox
2. Connection to the VPN server - MAC (0:58)
1. Connection to the VPN server - Windows (2:14)
3. Connection to the VPN server - Linux (1:39)
4. HackTheBox Lab Practice
1. Devel - 1 Practice -1 (10:48)
2. Knife - 1 Practice -2 (10:16)
5. About Kali Linux
2. Kali Linux GUI (3:19)
1. Kali Linux History (1:54)
6. Basic Linux Commands - 1
1. Command Parameters (2:19)
2. List Files - ls Command (4:34)
3. Print Working Directory - pwd Command (0:55)
4. Show Manuel - man Command (2:11)
5. Change Directory - cd Command (2:18)
6. Concatenate Files - cat Command (2:17)
7. Display Output - echo Command (1:34)
8. View the File with more Command (2:22)
9. View the File with less Command (1:23)
10. Print First Lines with head Command (1:15)
11. Print Last Lines with tail Command (1:39)
12. Global Regular Expression Print - grep Command (3:35)
13. Unix Name - uname Command (0:47)
14. Output Redirection (2:37)
15. Output Redirection Pipe “” (2:17)
7. Basic Linux Commands - 2
2. Create File & Modify Date - touch Command (1:20)
1. Make Directory - mkdir Command (1:22)
3. Remove Files or Directories - rm Command (2:07)
4. Copy and Move Files or Directories - cp & mv Command (1:58)
5. Find Files and Directories - find Command (2:24)
6. Cut Parts of Lines - cut Command (2:51)
7. Change Ownership of a Given File - chown Command (1:32)
8. Configuring Kali Linux
2. User Management (2:38)
1. Configuring Services (3:42)
9. Network Scanning Tools in Kali
1. Wireshark Capturing the Traffic (8:34)
2. Wireshark Following Stream (2:41)
3. Wireshark Summarise Network (6:19)
4. Hping for Active Scan and DDoS Attacks (7:54)
5. Nmap Introduction (4:12)
6. Nmap Ping Scan to Enumerate Network Hosts (5:02)
7. Nmap SYN Scan (6:09)
8. Nmap Port Scan (8:15)
9. Nmap TCP Scan (7:15)
10. Nmap UDP Scan (4:15)
11. Nmap Version Detection (6:42)
12. NmapOperating System Detection (6:02)
13. Nmap Input-Output Management (8:31)
Teach online with
13. Unix Name - uname Command
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